Keto Lit vsay thank you so much for asking that

thank you so much for taking the time to reach out to me and just start trying to look for information and research in general to improve your life you mentioned that you know obviously your you know somewhat large weights for your age and that is true but it is so good that at a young age 14 is so young that you're taking you know positive steps you're taking physical action to improve your life you know small steps baby steps but it doesn't matter you start to reach out whether to be you know through my channel through other people's channels you know books articles whatever

it may be the fact that you are taking action is fantastic you deserve respect regardless of whether you're like Jackie of a six-pack whether you're in like you know morbidly obese whether you're kind of overweight if you are taking steps to improve your life I respect you and again thank you so much for asking this question but that is what you know I want to talk about and so here is between physiques 19 tips for fat loss psychological quantitative physical absolutely everything is a whole jumble of stuff so let's get started diet tip number one guys take it slow and stay a lot of times I had people messaging me and they're kind of unsure as to how much weight they want to lose and they have kind of unrealistic expectations a friend of mine he 


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